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Uterine Cancer Awareness Network 

Mission – Our mission is to help raise awareness for uterine/endometrial cancer by informing the public about the disease! We put attention on communities that are not being informed to make sure that everyone receives equal information! 

Vision- Our vision Is to see everyone informed about uterine cancer so lives and fertility can be saved, and uterine cancer deaths decrease because of early detection! 

U.C.A.N was founded in 2019 by a 14-year uterine/endometrial cancer survivor diagnosed in 2009 at the young age of 27 before having the opportunity to have children. Unfortunately, she did not see much changing when it came to uterine cancer awareness, research, or funding over the years, so she allowed her pain to have purpose and started U.C.A.N for all those that come after her in hopes that lives and fertility are saved. She is big on survivor and patient support so she puts a focus on that as well as the areas that may not receive the information due to healthcare disparities. Uterine Cancer Changed her life forever and she does not want that to happen to you! She is fighting for you and your family! 


U.C.A.N is a small organization dedicated to raising awareness and providing support services to patients and survivors. We use our resources to help facilitate these programs such as our monthly virtual support group and our free awareness seminars available in person or online to groups or organizations! We send out UCAN cares bags to newly diagnosed patients, we also provide free uterine cancer awareness posters to Gynecology offices in the U.S! 2024 we have included Retirement Centers, and Schools. We provide support for patients and survivors to help improve their outcome. Our supporters help make our mission possible and we thank you so much! 



















  Please join us on our social media platforms and share our awareness info you never know you just might save a life!

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